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Blacksmith’s Legendary Plans Revealed

Blizzard has updated their official game guide with a bunch of new Blacksmith plans. The new additions are mostly his Legendary plans, which include numerous Item Sets, and quite a few individual items as well. Before you get too excited, note that these are just the names of the sets; no details about the items … Read more

Blizzard has updated their official game guide with a bunch of new Blacksmith plans. The new additions are mostly his Legendary plans, which include numerous Item Sets, and quite a few individual items as well. Before you get too excited, note that these are just the names of the sets; no details about the items created, or the costs and materials are listed.

There are a handful of sets, all legendary, and a what looks like one legendary plan for every item type in the game. We know nothing about them at this point, but they have cool names including, Born’s Aegis Set, Cain’s Honor Set, Captain Crimson’s Attire Set, Aughild’s Treasured Set, Asheara’s Bindings Set, and the Guardian’s Regalia Set. Legendary items include Lai Yui’s Taiji, the Umbral Oath, the Wall of Bone, Deadeye, Pendergrasps, the Singularity, Black Bone Arrows, and more.

Also note that Blizzard has added three plans for the Staff of Herding, one each for Nightmare, Hell, and Inferno. They do not list the ingredients required though, which you can see in the DiabloNut DB. (Spoilery.)